Ryan Seacrest Is Reportedly A Favorite To Be The Next 'Wheel Of Fortune' Host, Consider This Blog A Public Endorsement For Maggie Sajak

Alright we know that Pat Sajak is retiring after this upcoming season of Wheel of Fortune. I don't mind the show. It's great during the summer to lead into Jeopardy. Yes, I have the ass backwards schedule in Cincinnati of Wheel on at 7 and Jeopardy at 7:30. Brutal. I hate it. Give me Jeopardy at 7. That's not the point of the blog. We'll get to the point in a second. 

It starts with the obvious report that Ryan Seacrest is a popular pick to be the next host: 

Hey, I get it. He was a friend of Merv Griffin according to that TMZ report. He's hosted American Idol. He's a big time name. No doubt he would fit in with Wheel. That's the key when replacing someone who has been hosting a show forever. You gotta make the transition smooth and keep fans just watching mindlessly. That's the biggest part of the battle when bringing in a new host. You don't want a complete change.

So, while I understand Ryan Seacrest, why isn't the favorite another Sajak? Actually why isn't it another Sajak who already works on the show? That's right, Pat's daughter Maggie: 

We've already seen Seacrest! He's like an NFL kicker or a NBA head coach who goes from one job to another. Next thing you know they've played or coached for half the league. We don't need that in TV. We need what some would call some good old fashioned nepotism. Seacrest will have his name linked to whatever he wants. He's a star, a monster. But Maggie Sajak? Sajak is the name we know with Wheel of Fortune. She has experience on the show:

Sure, you could have the old vet who name everyone knows. He might have even been a former MVP. But we're talking about the up and coming star. The person who has waited their time as a backup after being a high pick. Sound familiar? Consider this a public endorsement for Maggie over Seacrest. 

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